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Soda Integration

dagster-odp allows you to create Dagster asset checks powered by Soda Core through configuration. This integration translates Soda check configurations into Dagster asset checks without requiring Python code.


This guide assumes familiarity with Soda Core concepts and syntax. If you're new to Soda, we recommend reading the Soda Core documentation first.

Understanding ODP's Soda Integration

ODP's Soda integration:

  1. Configuration-Driven: Define checks in YAML files using Soda's syntax
  2. Asset Check Integration: Runs checks as Dagster asset checks
  3. Pipeline Control: Can block downstream assets if checks fail
  4. Severity Mapping: Maps Soda outcomes to Dagster severity levels

Resource Configuration

Configure the Soda resource in your Dagster configuration:

  - resource_kind: soda
      project_dir: soda_checks     # Root directory for Soda files
      checks_dir: scans           # Optional: subdirectory for check files


  • project_dir: Base directory containing all Soda-related files. This directory must contain Soda's configuration.yml file. Can be placed anywhere in your project structure.

  • checks_dir: Optional subdirectory within project_dir containing Soda check files. If not specified, ODP looks for check files directly in project_dir.

Directory Structure

A typical setup might look like this:

└── odp_config/
    ├── soda/                  # project_dir (can be placed anywhere)
    │   ├── configuration.yml  # Soda data source configuration
    │   └── scans/            # checks_dir (optional)
    │       ├── orders.yml    # Check files
    │       └── customers.yml
    ├── dagster_config.yaml
    └── workflows/
        └── pipeline.yaml     # References Soda checks

Directory Location

While this example shows the Soda directory inside odp_config, you can place it anywhere in your project. Just make sure the project_dir parameter in your resource configuration points to the correct location.

Required Soda Files


Standard Soda configuration file defining data sources. This is a pure Soda configuration file and follows Soda's configuration format:

data_source warehouse:
  type: duckdb
    database: path/to/db.db

data_source cloud_dw:
  type: bigquery
    project_id: my-project
    dataset: my_dataset

Check Files

Standard Soda check files containing the actual data quality checks. These follow Soda's check syntax:

checks for orders:
  # All checks in this file run as part of one asset check
  - row_count > 0
  - duplicate_count(order_id) = 0
  - avg(amount) between 0 and 10000

Asset Check Configuration

Define which Soda checks to run as Dagster asset checks in your workflow files:

  - asset_key: raw_orders          # Asset to check
    check_file_path: orders.yml    # Relative to checks_dir or project_dir
    blocking: true                 # Optional: block downstream on failure
    description: "Order validation" # Optional: describe the check
    data_source: warehouse        # Must match name in configuration.yml
  1. All checks in a check file run together as a single Dagster asset check
  2. You cannot run individual checks from a file separately
  3. Each asset check configuration creates one Dagster asset check

Required Parameters

  • asset_key: The Dagster asset these checks apply to
  • check_file_path: Path to the Soda check file (relative to checks_dir or project_dir)
  • data_source: Name of the data source from Soda's configuration.yml

Optional Parameters

  • blocking: If true, prevents downstream asset materialization when checks fail (default: true)
  • description: Human-readable description shown in the Dagster UI

Asset Check Results

ODP maps Soda check outcomes to Dagster asset check severities:

Soda Outcome Dagster Severity Effect
FAIL ERROR Fails asset check, blocks downstream assets if blocking: true
WARN WARN Records warning, allows pipeline to continue
PASS None Check passes successfully

When a check file contains multiple checks:

  • If ANY check has outcome FAIL, the asset check severity is ERROR
  • If no checks FAIL but AT LEAST ONE has WARN, severity is WARN
  • ALL checks must PASS for the asset check to have no severity level

This mapping lets you:

  1. Use Soda's built-in warning thresholds
  2. Control pipeline execution based on data quality
  3. Track data quality results in Dagster's UI

Best Practices

  • Using one Soda check file per dagster asset is recommended
  • Use FAIL for critical data quality issues and WARN for potential problems that need investigation
  • Consider impact on downstream assets when setting blocking

By using ODP's Soda integration, you can implement Dagster asset checks using Soda's powerful check syntax while keeping your pipeline configuration in one place.