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Workflow Configuration Reference

Workflow files define the pipelines in your dagster-odp project through assets, jobs, partitions, and data quality checks. Unlike the dagster_config file, you can have multiple workflow files in YAML or JSON format. For a broader understanding of ODP's configuration system, see the Configuration documentation.


Key Characteristics

  • Multiple Files: Can split configuration across multiple files
  • Required Location: Must be placed in the odp_config/workflows directory
  • Format Support: Can mix YAML and JSON files
  • Modular Configuration: Files don't need to be self-contained
  • Cross-File References: Can reference assets defined in other workflow files

Basic Structure

Each workflow file can contain any combination of these top-level sections:

  - asset_key: asset_1
    task_type: task_1
      param1: value1

  - job_id: job_1
    asset_selection: ["asset_1"]
      - trigger_id: trigger_1
        trigger_type: schedule
          schedule_kind: cron
            cron_schedule: "@daily"

  - assets: ["asset_1"]
      start: "2022-01-01"
      schedule_type: MONTHLY

  - asset_key: asset_1
    check_file_path: checks/check1.yml
    data_source: my_source

Validation Rules

  • Asset keys must be unique across all workflow files
  • Job IDs must be unique across all workflow files
  • Trigger IDs must be unique across all workflow files
  • Asset keys, job IDs, and trigger IDs cannot overlap
  • Assets referenced in partitions must be defined in workflow files
  • Each asset can only have one partition definition

Asset Structure

Assets are the core building blocks of ODP pipelines, created by configuring tasks. For more details on tasks, see Tasks and Assets.

  - asset_key: my_asset           # Required: Unique identifier
    task_type: my_task           # Required: Registered task type
    description: "Description"    # Optional: Human-readable description
    group_name: "my_group"       # Optional: Group for UI organization
    depends_on: ["other_asset"]  # Optional: Asset dependencies
    params:                      # Required only if task defines required params
      param1: value1
      param2: value2

Asset Dependencies

Dependencies between assets are managed through the depends_on field and materialization metadata:

  - asset_key: raw_data
    task_type: file_download
      destination: "data/file.csv"

  - asset_key: processed_data
    task_type: process_file
    depends_on: ["raw_data"]
      # Access parent's metadata
      input_file: "{{raw_data.destination}}"

For assets with prefixes in their keys, replace / with _ when referencing metadata:

# Parent: data/ingestion/raw_data
input_path: "{{data_ingestion_raw_data.destination}}"

Task-Specific Configurations

ODP provides several pre-built tasks for common data operations. Each task type has specific configuration requirements.

Data Integration Tasks

DLT Task

Ingest data from various sources (APIs, databases) using Data Load Tool with automatic asset creation and dependency management.

Learn more about DLT integration →

- asset_key: github/api/pull_requests  # Must contain at least one '/'
  task_type: dlt
    source_module: github.source       # Path to DLT source
    schema_file_path: schemas/github.schema.yaml
    source_params:                     # Passed to DLT source
      param1: value1
    destination: duckdb               # DLT destination type
    destination_params: {}            # Destination configuration
    pipeline_params:                  # DLT pipeline configuration
      dataset_name: github           # Required
    run_params:                      # DLT run configuration
      write_disposition: append

DBT Task

Transform data using DBT models with support for variables, partitioning, and external sources.

Learn more about DBT integration →

- asset_key: transform_data
  task_type: dbt
    selection: "tag:transform"     # DBT selection syntax
    dbt_vars:                     # Variables passed to DBT
      var1: value1

Data Operation Tasks

Pre-built task details →

DuckDB Operations

  • file_to_duckdb: Load data from files (local or GCS) into DuckDB tables
  • duckdb_query: Execute SQL queries against DuckDB tables
  • duckdb_table_to_file: Export DuckDB tables to files

Cloud Operations

  • gcs_file_to_bq: Load data from Google Cloud Storage into BigQuery
  • bq_table_to_gcs: Export BigQuery tables to Google Cloud Storage
  • gcs_file_download: Download files from Google Cloud Storage to local filesystem

Utility Operations

  • shell_command: Execute shell commands with configurable environment and working directory

Job Configuration

Jobs define what assets to materialize and how to trigger materializations. See Automation for more details.

Basic Job Structure

  - job_id: my_job              # Required: Unique identifier
    description: "Description"   # Optional: Human-readable description
    asset_selection:            # Required: Assets to materialize
      - asset_1*               # Supports Dagster selection syntax
    triggers:                   # Optional: Automation triggers
      - trigger_id: trigger_1
        trigger_type: schedule  # or sensor
          # Trigger-specific configuration

Trigger Types

Schedule Trigger

Define time-based execution using either cron expressions or partition configurations.

  # Cron-based schedule
  - trigger_id: daily_run
    trigger_type: schedule
      schedule_kind: cron
        cron_schedule: "@daily"  # or "0 0 * * *"

  # Partition-based schedule
  - trigger_id: monthly_run
    trigger_type: schedule
      schedule_kind: partition   # Uses partition configuration

Sensor Trigger

Monitor external systems and trigger runs in response to events or state changes.

  - trigger_id: new_file_trigger
    trigger_type: sensor
      sensor_kind: gcs_sensor   # Must be registered
        bucket_name: my-bucket
        path_prefix: data/

Partition Configuration

Partitions enable time-based processing of assets. ODP only supports time-based partitions. See Configuration for more details.

Basic Structure

  - assets: ["asset_1", "asset_2"]  # Assets to partition
      start: "2022-01-01"          # Required: Start date
      schedule_type: MONTHLY        # Required unless cron_schedule set
      # Optional parameters
      end: "2024-01-01"           
      timezone: "UTC"
      fmt: "%Y-%m-%d"              # Date format
      day_offset: 1                # For monthly partitions

Soda Check Configuration

Soda checks provide data quality monitoring through Dagster asset checks. See Soda Integration for more details.

Basic Structure

  - asset_key: my_asset          # Asset to check
    check_file_path: check.yml   # Path to Soda check file
    data_source: my_source      # Defined in Soda configuration
    blocking: true              # Optional: Block on failure
    description: "Description"   # Optional

Variable Substitution

ODP supports variable substitution in configuration using mustache syntax ({{variable}}). For details, see Configuration.

Available Variables

  1. Context Variables

      # Basic context
      run_id: "{{context.run_id}}"
      # Partition context
      partition_key: "{{context.partition_key}}"
      window_start: "{{context.partition_window_start}}"
      window_end: "{{context.partition_window_end}}"
  2. Resource Variables

      project: "{{resource.bigquery.project}}"
  3. Parent Asset Variables

      input: "{{parent_asset.destination_table_id}}"
  4. Sensor Variables

      file: "{{sensor.file_uri}}"

Date Formatting

Transform date variables using the date helper:

formatted_date: "{{#date}}{{context.partition_key}}|%Y/%m{{/date}}"

By using these configuration options effectively, you can build sophisticated data pipelines that leverage ODP's task system and integrations.